Historical Romance: A Quiz: 15 Questions to Slake Your Thirst During the Awful (Awful) Wait Until Outlander Season 2

Outlander Season 2 is in production and scheduled to air in 2016. That's months away! For Outlander addicts (and that's a lot of us), here's a little quiz to get you back into Claire and Jamie's world -- to Castle Leoch and Lallybroch.
Here's Part 1 of the quiz. If you get stumped -- don't worry -- there's an answer key at the end.
1. Where does the author first mention disappearances?
-- a. Chapter 2.
-- b. End of Chapter 1.
-- c. Beginning of Chapter 1.
-- d. The beginning of the Epigraph.
2. In Chapter 1, what is the significance of the blood found on the doorsteps?
-- a. A Pagan sacrifice for All Hallows' Eve.
-- b. Ancient tradition has it that you should kill something and bury it under the foundation of a newly built house.
-- c. According to the Ancients, when a house was built, one of the workmen was sacrificed and the house was built over him, and his spirit would haunt the cellar, except on ancient feast days, when they would be free to wander and do good or ill, as they pleased.
-- d. Answers a, b and c.
3. In Chapter 1, what does Frank think he sees looking up at Claire's window and why is this important?
-- a. A ghost.
-- b. A large Scottish man in a tartan, but when Frank pushes past the man, Frank should have felt the man's physical presence, but he didn't, leading Frank to think this is very, very odd.
-- c. Nothing. It was just the wind.
-- d. Answers a and b.
4. In Chapter 2 when Mr. Crook takes Claire to see the standing stones, what do the stones signify?
-- a. The same things that Stonehenge signifies.
-- b. Claire isn't sure, because the miniature "henge" does not have a place for burial, and Stonehenge does.
5. In Chapter 2, what does Mrs. Graham learn about Claire's hand when she reads Claire's palm?
-- a. Claire's marriage line is forked, suggesting two marriages.
-- b. Claire has a strong thumb, suggesting a strong will.
-- c. Claire's thumb suggests that her husband "isna likely to stray far from her bed," as Mrs. Graham says to Claire.
-- d. Claire's lifeline is well marked, which suggests good health, but it is chopped up, which suggests change.
-- e. Claire isn't likely to have children.
-- f. All of the above. Answers a and d are the most important.
6. In Chapter 2, what do the Reverend Wakefield and Frank discover about the connection between the Duke of Sandringham and Frank's rapscallion ancestor, Captain Jonathan Randall?
-- a. There was no connection.
-- b. The Duke of Sandringham likely protected Captain Randall's activities from the scrutiny of the King.
-- c. The Duke of Sandringham was a suspected Jacobite.
-- d. Answers b and c.
7. Claire saw dancers around the standing stones the morning of Beltane. When she returns to the stones that night what does she hear?
-- a. A deep humming, making Claire think there might be a beehive close by.
-- b. After Claire touches the stone to see if there is a crevice where a beehive might be, she leans into the stone and then the stone screams.
-- c. Neither a nor b.
-- d. Both a and b.
8. When Claire awakens from her contact with the stones what does she see and hear?
-- a. She sees men in kilts running and she hears gunshots -- and the men in the red coats are chasing the kilted men.
-- b. She thinks she has stumbled upon the movie set of a costume period drama.
-- c. When a man captures her, at first she thinks he is Frank, but this Frank look-a-like assures Claire he is most definitely not Frank.
-- d. All of the above.
9. In Chapter 4, Claire is sponging Jamie's back at Castle Leoch and she notices Jamie's horrific scars from flogging. Why was Claire surprised when Jamie told her it was Captain Randall who flogged him and what did Jamie tell Claire were Captain Randall's reasons?
-- a. Claire refused to believe an ancestor of her husband could have done such a thing.
-- b. Certainly Jamie must have done something terrible to warrant flogging from Captain Randall, who history has claimed was an excellent example of a King's soldier.
-- c. Claire was surprised that her husband's ancestor routinely flogged people. Jamie told Claire that Captain Randall flogged him for obstruction, escape and theft.
10. In Chapter 8, Geillis Duncan, the local herbalist, and Claire become friendly. Geillis reveals that it is believed that young Hamish is not actually the laird's son. Why does this not surprise Claire?
-- a. Back in the olden days, people didn't pay attention as to who fathered who.
-- b. Claire had a sneaking suspicion that this was the case.
-- c. Since Claire had worked as a nurse in World War II, she knew that Colum McKenzie's bow-legged condition was Toulouse-Lautrec syndrome, named after the French 19th century artist, who had the disfiguring disease. Claire reminded herself that the Scots in 1743 wouldn't have know the disease by name, but it usually left males unable to sire children, so young Hamish would have to have been sired by someone else -- likely, a very close relative.
-- d. Answers b and c.
11. In Chapter 13, Dougal McKenzie tells Claire that he's going to arrange a marriage between her and Jamie Fraser. What is the reason Dougal gives?
-- a. Claire is an Englishwoman and therefore a subject of England -- and subject to Captain Randall's whims. The only way Dougal can protect Claire is for her to marry a Scot, so Captain Randall cannot remove a Scot from clan lands -- and the best Scot for Claire would be Jamie, a strapping young man, an excellent fighter, and the soon-to-be laird of his family's ancestral castle, Lallybroch.
-- b. Jamie was the first name to come to Dougal's mind.
-- c. Jamie and Claire would make beautiful children together.
12. In Chapter 15, after the wedding ceremony, Jamie tells Claire: "You have my name, my family, and my clan -- and if necessary, ". . . What is the next thing Jamie promises as to how he will protect Claire from Captain Randall?
-- a. His family money.
-- b. "And the protection of my body, as well."
-- c. The protection of the entire Fraser clan.
13. In Chapter 17, an old friend of Jamie and a beggar, Hugh Munro, comes across Jamie and Claire. Hugh cannot talk and can only communicate via garbled sounds and gestures. What does Jamie give as the reason why Hugh cannot talk?
--a. Long ago, the Turks captured Hugh and cut out his tongue to convince him to convert.
-- b. Hugh got in a fight.
-- c. Hugh was born that way.
14. In Chapter 21, when Jamie rushes in to Captain Randall's quarters and sees Claire in a compromising position, what does Jamie yell to Captain Randall?
-- a. "Randall, whatever you think you're doing, you bloody well better stop right now."
-- b. "I'll thank ye to take your hands off my wife."
-- c. "You've stooped lower than I've ever seen, Randall, which is pretty low -- even for a rapscallion such as yourself."
15. In Chapter 21, after Jamie rescues Claire from Randall's clutches, he's furious with Claire for something she did. Why is Jamie furious with her?
-- a. By wandering off, Claire disobeyed Jamie's orders to stay put, and unknowingly put Jamie's men in danger.
-- b. Claire struck out on her own because she was curious and she didn't see any reason why she shouldn't explore a bit.
-- c. Claire was furious that Jamie dared to order her to stay put.
-- d. All of the above.
Answer key:
1. d.
2. d.
3. d.
4. b.
5. f.
6. d.
7. d.
8. d.
9. c.
10. d.
11. a.
12. b.
13. a.
14. b.
15. d.